Jack is a composer, sound designer and collaborative theatre-maker based in Bristol, UK.
He is artistic director of Tremolo Theatre and musical director of Closer Each Day.
Associate artist of The Wardrobe Ensemble, The Table Of Delights and The Wardrobe Theatre.
Jack also plays keyboard in award winning Bristol band Laid Blak.
Music credits include: First Encounters: The Tempest (National Tour, The Royal Shakespeare Company): Notting Hell: The Greatest Love Story In The Underworld (Wardrobe Theatre Christmas Show), Blood Wedding (BSA, Tobacco Factory), Wendy: A Peter Pan Story (the egg, Bath Theatre Royal), Falkland Sound (The Swan Theatre at The RSC), Detective Dog (Tessa Bide Productions, South West Library Tour), If You Fall (Theatre Ad Infinitum, Bristol Old Vic and National Tour), As You Like It (Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Malcom X Centre), Same Storm, Same Sky (Many Minds, Bristol Old Vic), Oz (Tobacco Factory Theatres and Pins and Needles Christmas Show), Drac and Jill (Wardrobe Theatre Christmas Show), Vet Detective (Bad vs Evil, The Wardrobe Theatre), The Scarlet Pimpernel (Pins and Needles and the egg, Bath), The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Tobacco Factory, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School), Little Mermaid (Bea Roberts and Pins and Needles, UK Theatre Award Winner - Best Show for Children and Young People), The 24Hour Plays (Bristol Old Vic), Love Of The Nightingale (Bristol Old Vic Young Company), The Star Seekers, The Time Seekers, The Deep Sea Seekers (The Wardrobe Ensemble), Help! (Viki Brown), Shaedates (Shaelee Rooke), Table Of Delights (Theatre Damfino), Smoking Puppet Cabaret (Puppet Place, The Wardrobe Threatre, Bristol Festival Of Puppetry), Especially For You, Party On Pluto (Twisted Theatre).
Sound design credits include: The Roaring Girl (Bristol Old Vic Young Company), Made In Chekhov (The Actors Lab, Tobacco Factory Theatre), The Unicorn (Nina Productions, Vaults Festival, Regional Tour and The Arcola), MDH: Puppets Do A Movie (The Wardrobe Theatre), WINNERS (Wardrobe Ensemble, Theatre on the Downs), PROPS (Documental Theatre, National Prison Radio), The Place At The Bridge (Shakespeare at The Tobacco Factory), Robinson: The Other Island (Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff, Give It A Name), C-Word Clubhouse (Bea Roberts and The Coterie), Undersong (Verity Standen), CHAMP (Sam Bailey, Tobacco Factory Theatres), The Room Upstairs (Theatre West), Score, Pulling Out (Documental Theatre), Wake Up And Deirdrealize (Lucy Harrington), Polish Vermin (Agnieszka Blonska), Sink, The Oil And The Shard (Southern Wild)
Directing credits include: The Hours Before We Wake, Then Again (Tremolo Theatre), Mobile Phone Show (NT Connections), Romeo and Juliet (Kaleidoscope NI, The Brian Friel Theatre).